Permanent handicrafts market to open in Malayer

October 19, 2020 - 22:47

TEHRAN – A permanent market for handicrafts is planned to be established in the city of Malayer, which was named by the World Crafts Council - Asia Pacific Region (WCC-APR) in January a global hub for woodcarving and carved-wood furniture.

A budget of 1.5 trillion rials ($35.7 million at the official rate of 42,000 rials) has been allocated to launch the market, which will generate 300 job opportunities, provincial tourism official, Alireza Qasemi, announced on Monday.

The ancient city is home to over 4,000 furniture workshops in which more than 8,000 wood masters and some 25,000 crafters are engaged.

Although the art had been practiced in Malayer for a long time ago, it is about half a century that it has gained prosperity in the region.

Artists and crafters use beech, walnut, and plane trees to make different products such as traditional, classic, steel, and sofa furniture, as well as dining tables, desks, chairs, beds, and decorative items.

Currently, more than 60 percent of the furniture and woodcarving products in Iran are reportedly produced in Malayer and they are sent to various Iranian cities or being exported to Central Asian countries, Persian Gulf littoral states, Turkey, and Iraq amongst some others.

Iran exported $523 million worth of handicrafts during the past calendar year 1398 (ended March 19). Of the figure, some $273 million worth of handicrafts were exported officially through customs, and about $250 million was earned via suitcase trade (allowed for customs-free and tax-free transfer) through various provinces, according to data provided by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts.

Traditional ceramics, pottery vessels, handwoven cloths as well as personal ornamentations with precious and semi-precious gemstones were exported to Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, the U.S., the UK, and other countries.


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